Base Processor

This is a template that is used to add additional processors to
the package.
Written By: Matthew Stadelman
Date Written: 2016/02/26
Last Modifed: 2016/10/25
class apmapflow.data_processing.base_processor.BaseProcessor(field)[source]

Only required parameter is a data field object, initializes properties defined by subclassses.


Implement delattr(self, name).

__dir__() → list

default dir() implementation


Return self==value.


default object formatter


Return self>=value.


Return getattr(self, name).


Return self>value.


Return hash(self).


Return self<=value.


Return self<value.


Return self!=value.


Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.


helper for pickle


helper for pickle


Return repr(self).


Implement setattr(self, name, value).

__sizeof__() → int

size of object in memory, in bytes


Return str(self).


Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().

This is invoked early on by abc.ABCMeta.__subclasscheck__(). It should return True, False or NotImplemented. If it returns NotImplemented, the normal algorithm is used. Otherwise, it overrides the normal algorithm (and the outcome is cached).


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

classmethod _add_subparser(subparser)[source]

Adds a specific action based sub-parser to the supplied arg_parser instance.

_output_data(filename=None, delim=', ')[source]

Not implemented


Not implemented

copy_processed_data(data_dict, alt_key=False)[source]

Copys the current processed data array to a dict object using a key defined in the subclass initialization or a key supplied by the alt_key keyword.


Calls the subclassed routine output_data to create outfile content


Writes the data processor’s data the screen


Calls the subclassed routine process_data to create outfile content


Sets or resets arguments


Writes the data processor’s data to its outfile