Data Processing

Data procesing classes for 2-D data maps.
Written By: Matthew Stadelman
Date Written: 2016/02/26
Last Modifed: 2016/02/26

class apmapflow.data_processing.EvalChannels(field, **kwargs)[source]

Evaluates channelization in flow data based on the number and widths of channels. More work needs to be done on this class to make it not dependent on a specfic direction. kwargs include:

thresh - minimum numeric value considered to be part of a flow channel axis - (x or z) specifies which axis to export along
class apmapflow.data_processing.Histogram(field, **kwargs)[source]

Performs a basic histogram of the data based on the number of bins desired. The first bin contains all values below the 1st percentile and the last bin contains all values above the 99th percentile to keep axis scales from being bloated by extrema. kwargs include:

num_bins - integer value for the total number of bins

This defines the bins for a regular histogram

class apmapflow.data_processing.HistogramLogscale(field, **kwargs)[source]

Performs a histogram where the bin limits are logarithmically spaced based on the supplied scale factor. If there are negative values then the first bin contains everything below 0, the next bin will contain everything between 0 and 1. kwargs include:

scale_fact - numeric value to generate axis scale for bins. A
scale fact of 10 creates bins: 0-1, 1-10, 10-100, etc.

This defines the bins for a logscaled histogram

class apmapflow.data_processing.HistogramRange(field, **kwargs)[source]

Performs a histogram where the minimum and maximum bin limits are set by percentiles and all values outside of that range are excluded. The interior values are handled the same as a basic histogram with bin sizes evenly spaced between the min and max percentiles given.

kwargs include:

num_bins - integer value for the total number of bins range - list with two numeric values to define the minimum and maximum

data percentiles.

This defines the bins for a range histogram

class apmapflow.data_processing.Percentiles(field, **kwargs)[source]

Automatic method to calculate and output a list of data percentiles. kwargs include:

percentiles : list of percentiles to calculate (required) key_format : format to write percentile dictionary keys in (optional) value_format : format to write percentile values in (optional)
class apmapflow.data_processing.Profile(field, **kwargs)[source]

Automatic method to export data vectors for a range of distances along a specified axis. Locations are given as percentages from the bottom or left edge of the 2-D data map

locations - list of numbers, ex: [10, 25, 50, 75, 90] axis - (x or z) specifies which axis to export along