Source code for apmapflow.scripts.apm_subtract_data_maps

Description: Reads in an aperture map and then two data maps to subtract
them. Any region of zero aperture is set to zero for the comparisons. The
data maps can be normalized both before and after if desired and the final
calculated data map is output.

For usage information run: ``apm_subtract_data_maps -h``

| Written By: Matthew stadelman
| Date Written: 2016/10/27
| Last Modfied: 2017/04/23


import argparse
from argparse import RawDescriptionHelpFormatter as RawDesc
import os
import scipy as sp
from apmapflow import _get_logger, set_main_logger_level, DataField
from apmapflow.data_processing import Percentiles

# setting up logger
logger = _get_logger('apmapflow.scripts')

# creating arg parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=RawDesc)

# adding arguments
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
                    help="prints debug messages (default: %(default)s)")

parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true',
                    help="can overwrite existing files (default: %(default)s)")

parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-dir',
                    type=os.path.realpath, default=os.getcwd(),
                    help='''outputs files to the specified
                    directory, sub-directories are created as needed''')

parser.add_argument('-pn', '--pre-normalize', action='store_true',
                    help="normalizes data maps before subtraction")

parser.add_argument('-on', '--post-normalize', action='store_true',
                    help="normalizes processed data map after subtraction")

parser.add_argument('-abs', '--post-abs', action='store_true',
                    help="takes the absolute value of the map after subtraction")

parser.add_argument('map_file', type=os.path.realpath,
                    help='corresponding aperture map for data maps')

parser.add_argument('data_file1', type=os.path.realpath,
                    help='paraview CSV data file')

parser.add_argument('data_file2', type=os.path.realpath,
                    help='paraview CSV data file')

                    help='the name of the processed map being output')

[docs]def main(): r""" Parses command line arguments and delegates tasks to helper functions for actual data processing """ args = parser.parse_args() args.perc = [0, 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95, 99, 100] # if args.verbose: set_main_logger_level('debug') # # testing output map path if os.path.exists(args.out_name) and not args.force: msg = '{} already exists, use "-f" option to overwrite' raise FileExistsError(msg.format(args.out_name)) # aper_map, data_map1, data_map2 = prepare_maps(args) result = process_maps(aper_map, data_map1, data_map2, args) # # writing out resultant data map filename = os.path.join(args.output_dir, args.out_name) sp.savetxt(filename, result.data_map, delimiter='\t')
[docs]def prepare_maps(args): r""" loads the aperture map and data maps and then masks zero aperture zones as well as performs pre-subtraction normalization if desired. """ # # loading files aper_map = DataField(args.map_file) data_map1 = DataField(args.data_file1) data_map2 = DataField(args.data_file2) # # generating percentiles of each data field msg = 'Percentiles of data map: ' + os.path.basename(args.data_file1)) output_percentile_set(data_map1, args) # + os.path.basename(args.data_file2)) output_percentile_set(data_map2, args) # # masking zero aperture zones data_map1 = data_map1.data_vector data_map2 = data_map2.data_vector data_map1[sp.where(aper_map.data_vector == 0)] = 0 data_map2[sp.where(aper_map.data_vector == 0)] = 0 # # normalizing data maps if desired if args.pre_normalize: data_map1 = data_map1 / sp.amax(sp.absolute(data_map1)) data_map2 = data_map1 / sp.amax(sp.absolute(data_map2)) # # reshaping data maps back into 2-D arrays data_map1 = sp.reshape(data_map1, aper_map.data_map.shape) data_map2 = sp.reshape(data_map2, aper_map.data_map.shape) # # return aper_map, data_map1, data_map2
[docs]def process_maps(aper_map, data_map1, data_map2, args): r""" subtracts the data maps and then calculates percentiles of the result before outputting a final map to file. """ # # creating resultant map from clone of aperture map result = data_map1 - data_map2 result = DataField(result) result.infile = args.out_name result.outfile = args.out_name #'Percentiles of data_map1 - data_map2') output_percentile_set(result, args) # # checking if data is to be normalized and/or absolute if args.post_abs: result._data_map = sp.absolute(result.data_map) # if args.post_normalize: result._data_map = result.data_map/sp.amax(sp.absolute(result.data_map)) # return result
[docs]def output_percentile_set(data_field, args): r""" Does three sets of percentiles and stacks them as columns: raw data, absolute value data, normalized+absolute value """ data = {} # # outputting percentiles of initial subtraction to screen field = DataField(data_field.data_map) pctle = Percentiles(field, percentiles=args.perc) pctle.process() data['raw'] = pctle.processed_data # # normalizing data field = DataField(data_field.data_map) field._data_map = field.data_map/sp.amax(sp.absolute(field.data_map)) pctle = Percentiles(field, percentiles=args.perc) pctle.process() data['norm'] = pctle.processed_data # # taking absolute value of data field = DataField(data_field.data_map) field._data_map = sp.absolute(field.data_map) pctle = Percentiles(field, percentiles=args.perc) pctle.process() data['abs'] = pctle.processed_data # # absolute value + normed field._data_map = field.data_map/sp.amax(field.data_map) pctle = Percentiles(field, percentiles=args.perc) pctle.process() data['abs+norm'] = pctle.processed_data # # outputting stacked percentiles fmt = ' {:>6.2f}\t{: 0.6e}\t{: 0.6e}\t{: 0.6e}\t{: 0.6e}\n' content = '\nPercentile\tRaw Data\tAbsolute\tNormalized\tNorm+abs\n' data = zip(args.perc, data['raw'].values(), data['abs'].values(), data['norm'].values(), data['abs+norm'].values()) # for row in data: content += fmt.format(*row) content += '\n'