Using the BlockMeshDict class


This describes the basic process of how to convert a vertical aperture map into an OpenFoam readable blockMeshDict. Using the BlockMeshDict class is a very simple and all the heavy lifting is done internally unless additional customizations are needed. Additional customizations can include setting up your own edges and mergePatchPairs as well as apply more than just the standard boundary face labels. The routine can also create sub directories OpenFoam expects the mesh file to be in. The template at the bottom of the file can be used to base a simple mesh generation off of by copying and pasting it into a file and running it as a python script. There is additional code commented out below that allows you to generate a thresholded mesh. Currently there is not a good method to add custom face labels that is in the works.

There are three steps required to generate a mesh file:
  1. Create a DataField object to store the aperture map data
  2. Create the BlockMeshDict class
  3. Write the mesh to your desired location

Setting up the BlockMeshDict

As mentioned the first step is creating a data field object, the only required argument is the path to the aperture map file. However first we need to import the modules.

from apmapflow import DataField
from apmapflow.openfoam import BlockMeshDict

Next we can instantiate the data field class.

aper_map_file = r'./examples/Fractures/Fracture1ApertureMap-10avg.txt'
aper_map_field = DataField(aper_map_file)

With the DataField for the aperture map file created we can now instantiate the BlockMeshDict class. The class accepts three arguments, BlockMeshDict(field, avg_fact=1.0, mesh_params=None). The first argument field is a DataField object, in this case aper_map_field will go there. avg_fact is the horizontal averaging or scale factor of the map. It defaults to assume that each cell in the map has a 1 voxel by 1 voxel square base. The final argument mesh_params is a dictionary used to populate several aspects of the blockMeshDict file. Below I have listed the default params for the mesh class, these will be overwritten by anything you define.

default_mesh_params = {
    'convertToMeters': '1.0',
    'numbersOfCells': '(1 1 1)',
    'cellExpansionRatios': 'simpleGrading (1 1 1)',
    'boundary.left.type': 'wall',
    'boundary.right.type': 'wall',
    '': 'wall',
    'boundary.bottom.type': 'wall',
    'boundary.front.type': 'wall',
    'boundary.back.type': 'wall'

convertToMeters is where you specify the voxel to meters conversion factor. The boundary.*.type entries set the types for each defined face label. Any additional face labels you create would need their type specified here. Next we will create the mesh class for our aperture map defining the parameters required to replicate a 2-D LCL simulation.

my_mesh_params = {
    'convertToMeters': '2.680E-5',
    'boundary.left.type': 'empty',
    'boundary.right.type': 'empty',
    '': 'wall',
    'boundary.bottom.type': 'wall',
    'boundary.front.type': 'wall',
    'boundary.back.type': 'wall'

mesh = BlockMeshDict(aper_map_field, avg_fact=10.0, mesh_params=my_mesh_params)

The mesh stores the verticies, blocks, faces, edges and mergePatchPairs in scipy ndarrays as attributes. They are accessible by typing mesh._verticies or mesh._edges, etc. The ._edges and ._merge_patch_pairs arrays are not initialized by default. Face labels are stored in a dictionary attribute named face_labels each key has the format boundary.side for example face_labels['boundary.bottom'] would return a boolean array and all indicies that are True correspond to a ‘bottom’ face. If you need to add custom edges or mergePatchPairs then a valid list of strings representing them will need to be stored in the mesh._edges and mesh._merge_patch_pairs arrays. The mesh does no additional processing on them so what you put is is exactly what will be output in those sections of the blockMeshDict file. For example to add in arc shaped edges you would need to store strings like this 'arc 1 5 (1.1 0.0 0.5)' in the ._edges array. Each entry in the ._edges array should describe a single edge.

Creating the blockMeshdict File

All of the work mainly takes place in the setup steps and the user just needs to call mesh.write_foam_file() to use the defaults and output a mesh file in the local directory. The output function also takes three optional parameters as well, mesh.write_foam_file(path='.', create_dirs=True, overwrite=False). The first allows for an alternate output location, say in the ‘run’ folder of OpenFoam, relative and absolute paths are valid. create_dirs tells the export whether or not to create the constants/polyMesh directories for you, if this is true and they already exist the file will be output in that location preserving the contents of those directories. The final parameter overwrite prevents or enables the program to replace an existing blockMeshDict file in the chosen location.

Template Code for Simple Mesh Generation

The template below can be used with some minor customization for simple mesh generation. The commented out section below allows generation of a ‘thresholded’ mesh where all data values less/greater than or equal to the min_value and max_value are removed. When cells are removed internal faces are exposed and assigned an ‘internal’ patch name which defaults to the ‘wall’ BC type.

import os
from apmapflow import DataField
from apmapflow.openfoam import BlockMeshDict
# The path to the aperture map needs to be updated to match the file you want to export
aper_map_file = os.path.join('path', 'to', 'aperture_map_file.txt')
aper_map_field = DataField(aper_map_file)
# convertToMeters needs to be updated to match your data
# numbersOfCells needs to be updated to match your desired internal block meshing
my_mesh_params = {
    'convertToMeters': '1.0',
    'numbersOfCells': '(1 1 1)',
    'cellExpansionRatios': 'simpleGrading (1 1 1)',
    'boundary.left.type': 'wall',
    'boundary.right.type': 'wall',
    '': 'wall',
    'boundary.bottom.type': 'wall',
    'boundary.front.type': 'wall',
    'boundary.back.type': 'wall'
mesh = BlockMeshDict(aper_map_field, avg_fact=1.0, mesh_params=my_mesh_params)
mesh.write_foam_file(path='.', create_dirs=True, overwrite=False)
# the code below generates a thresholded mesh
# mesh.generate_threshold_mesh(min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0e9)
# mesh.write_foam_file(path='.', create_dirs=True, overwrite=False)