Source code for apmapflow.unit_conversion

Unit Conversion
| Handles unit conversions utilizing the pint module.

| Written By: Matthew Stadelman
| Date Written: 2017/03/05
| Last Modifed: 2017/04/30


from pint import UnitRegistry as __UnitRegistry

# instantiate the registry and add the 'micron' unit
unit_registry = __UnitRegistry()
unit_registry.define('micron = um')

[docs]def register_voxel_unit(voxel_size, unit): r""" Registers the 'voxel' unit with the unit_registry. voxel_size is the length of an edge of the voxel in the specified units. Parameters ---------- voxel_size : float edge length of a voxel cube. unit : string units the voxel size is defined in. Examples -------- >>> import apmapflow.unit_conversion as uc >>> uc.register_voxel_unit(26.8, 'um') >>> print(uc.unit_registry('voxel').to('m').magnitude) """ unit_registry.define('voxel = {} * {} = vox'.format(voxel_size, unit))
[docs]def convert_value(value, unit_in, unit_out='SI'): r""" Returns a converted value, in the specified output units or SI. Parameters ---------- value : float edge length of a voxel cube. unit_in : string the current units of the value unit_out : string, optional the desired output units, if omitted they are converted to SI Returns ------- A floating point value converted to the desired units. Examples -------- >>> import apmapflow.unit_conversion as uc >>> print(uc.convert_value(26.8, 'um')) >>> print(uc.convert_value(26.8, 'um', 'cm')) """ quant = unit_registry.Quantity(value, unit_in) # if unit_out.upper() == 'SI': value = quant.to_base_units().magnitude else: value = # return value
[docs]def get_conversion_factor(unit_in, unit_out='SI'): r""" Returns a conversion factor between the input unit and output unit or to SI if no output unit is provided. Parameters ---------- unit_in : string the desired input units unit_out : string, optional the desired output units, if omitted the SI value is used Returns ------- A floating point value that can be used to convert between the two units. Examples -------- >>> import apmapflow.unit_conversion as uc >>> print(uc.get_conversion_factor('micron')) >>> print(uc.get_conversion_factor('um', 'mm')) """ if unit_out.upper() == 'SI': factor = unit_registry(unit_in).to_base_units().magnitude else: factor = unit_registry(unit_in).to(unit_out).magnitude # return factor