Source code for apmapflow.openfoam.block_mesh_dict

Block Mesh Dict
| A class build to handle generation of a blockMeshDict from an aperture map.

| Written By: Matthew Stadelman
| Date Written: 2016/08/08
| Last Modifed: 2016/08/08

import os
import re
import scipy as sp
from scipy.sparse import csgraph
from .. import DataField
from .openfoam import OpenFoamFile, OpenFoamDict, OpenFoamList

[docs]class BlockMeshDict(OpenFoamFile): r""" This is a special subclass of OpenFoamFile used to generate and output a blockMeshDict for OpenFoam """ # # defining default parameters and attributes DEFAULT_PARAMS = { 'convertToMeters': '1.0', 'numbersOfCells': '(1 1 1)', 'cellExpansionRatios': 'simpleGrading (1 1 1)', # 'boundary.left.type': 'wall', 'boundary.right.type': 'wall', '': 'wall', 'boundary.bottom.type': 'wall', 'boundary.front.type': 'wall', 'boundary.back.type': 'wall', 'boundary.internal.type': 'wall' }
[docs] def __init__(self, field, avg_fact=1.0, mesh_params=None, offset_field=None): r""" Takes a field object and a set of mesh params to set the properties of the blockMeshDict field : DataField, field that is storing the aperture map data avg_fact : float, optional, number of voxels along the X and Z axes. mesh_params : dict, optional, a dictionary containing parameters to use instead of the defaults offset_field : DataField, field object that stores the offset data for an aperture map """ super().__init__('polyMesh', 'blockMeshDict') # # field attributes that are copied over self.nx = None = None self.data_map = sp.array([]) self.data_vector = sp.array([]) self.point_data = sp.array([]) if field.point_data is None: field.create_point_data() field.copy_data(self) # # creating offset field self.offset_points = -self.point_data/2.0 if offset_field is not None: if offset_field.point_data is None: offset_field.create_point_data() self.offset_points = sp.copy(offset_field.point_data) # XXX: need to check shape of offset map to match point data # # native attributes self.avg_fact = avg_fact self.mesh_params = dict(BlockMeshDict.DEFAULT_PARAMS) self.face_labels = {} # self._field = DataField(field.data_map) self._field.point_data = sp.copy(field.point_data) self._vertices = None self._blocks = None self._edges = None self._faces = None self._merge_patch_pairs = None # # copying data and updating params if mesh_params is not None: self.mesh_params.update(mesh_params) # self.point_data += 1E-6 self.generate_simple_mesh()
[docs] def _create_blocks(self, cell_mask): r""" Sets up the vertices and blocks. - cell_mask is a boolean array in the shape of the data_map telling the function what blocks to include. vert_map stores the 4 vertex indices that make up the back surface and the front surface is '+ 1' the index of the corresponding lower point. In terms of the very first block vert_map[i,j,0] is at the orgin (0,0), bottom left corner vert_map[i,j,1] is bottom right corner (1,0) vert_map[i,j,2] is the top right corner (1,1) vert_map[i,j,3] is the top left corner (0,1) """ # map_mask = sp.ones((, self.nx+1), dtype=bool) map_mask[, 0:self.nx] = cell_mask map_mask[, self.nx] = cell_mask[, self.nx-1] map_mask[, 0:self.nx] = cell_mask[, 0:self.nx] # # creating temporary arrays to handle vertices indices = [0, 1, 1, 0, 3, 2, 2, 3] ind_offsets = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1] vertices = [] vert_map = sp.zeros((, self.nx+1, 4), dtype=int) vert_map[:] = sp.nan # # building vertices and setting vert_map vert_index = 0 if map_mask[0, 0]: vert_map[0, 0, 0] = 0 ydist = self.point_data[0, 0, 0] offset = self.offset_points[0, 0, 0] # vertices.append([0.0, offset, 0.0]) vertices.append([0.0, offset+ydist, 0.0]) vert_index = 2 # for iz in range( if map_mask[iz, 0] or map_mask[iz+1, 0]: zdist = (iz + 1.0) * self.avg_fact ydist = self.point_data[iz, 0, 3] offset = self.offset_points[iz, 0, 3] # vertices.append([0.0, offset, zdist]) vert_map[iz, 0, 3] = vert_index vert_map[iz+1, 0, 0] = vert_index vert_index += 1 vertices.append([0.0, offset+ydist, zdist]) vert_index += 1 # for ix in range(self.nx): if map_mask[0, ix] or map_mask[0, ix+1]: xdist = (ix + 1.0) * self.avg_fact ydist = self.point_data[0, ix, 1] offset = self.offset_points[0, ix, 1] # vertices.append([xdist, offset, 0.0]) vert_map[0, ix, 1] = vert_index vert_map[0, ix+1, 0] = vert_index vert_index += 1 vertices.append([xdist, offset+ydist, 0.0]) vert_index += 1 # for index in range(self.nx* iz = int(index/self.nx) ix = index % self.nx if sp.any(map_mask[iz:iz+2, ix:ix+2]): xdist = (ix + 1.0) * self.avg_fact ydist = self.point_data[iz, ix, 2] zdist = (iz + 1.0) * self.avg_fact offset = self.offset_points[iz, ix, 2] # vertices.append([xdist, offset, zdist]) vert_map[iz, ix, 2] = vert_index vert_map[iz+1, ix, 1] = vert_index vert_map[iz, ix+1, 3] = vert_index vert_map[iz+1, ix+1, 0] = vert_index vert_index += 1 vertices.append([xdist, offset+ydist, zdist]) vert_index += 1 # # building block array self._blocks = [] cell_mask = sp.ravel(cell_mask) for index in sp.where(cell_mask)[0]: iz = int(index/self.nx) ix = index % self.nx self._blocks.append(vert_map[iz, ix, indices] + ind_offsets) # # converting lists to scipy arrays self._vertices = sp.array(vertices, ndmin=2, dtype=float) self._blocks = sp.array(self._blocks, ndmin=2, dtype=int)
[docs] def set_boundary_patches(self, boundary_blocks, reset=False): r""" Sets up boundary patches based on the dictionary passed in. Overlapping declarations are overwritten by the last patch to use that face. The boundary blocks dictionary contains a dictionary entry for each patch name. - boundary_blocks dictionary has the format of: {patch_name: { <side>: [ block-list ], <side>: [ block-list ], ... }, ... } where <side> is left, right, bottom, top, front or back and block list is a list of blocks to add that patch to the side of. - reset - boolean : if True then the face labels dictionary and _faces array are re-initialized to default values """ # offsets = { 'bottom': (0, (0, 1, 2, 3)), 'back': (1, (0, 1, 5, 4)), 'right': (2, (1, 2, 6, 5)), 'front': (3, (3, 2, 6, 7)), 'left': (4, (0, 3, 7, 4)), 'top': (5, (4, 5, 6, 7)), } # # re-initializing all face labels num_faces = 6 * len(self._blocks) if reset: self._faces = sp.ones((num_faces, 4), dtype=int)*-sp.iinfo(int).max self.face_labels = {} # # adding any new face labels to the dictionary for patch_name in boundary_blocks.keys(): key = 'boundary.'+patch_name if key not in self.face_labels.keys(): self.face_labels[key] = sp.zeros(num_faces, dtype=bool) # # setting new face labels for patch_name, side_dict in boundary_blocks.items(): for side, blocks in side_dict.items(): indices = sp.array(blocks, dtype=int) * 6 + offsets[side][0] face_verts = self._blocks[blocks][:, offsets[side][1]] self._faces[indices] = face_verts self.face_labels['boundary.'+patch_name][indices] = True # # preventing overlapping face labels for patch_name in boundary_blocks.keys(): indices = self.face_labels['boundary.'+patch_name] reset = {key: indices for key in self.face_labels.keys()} del reset['boundary.'+patch_name] for key, indices in reset.items(): self.face_labels[key][indices] = False
[docs] def _generate_masked_mesh(self, cell_mask=None): r""" Generates the mesh based on the cell mask provided """ # if cell_mask is None: cell_mask = sp.ones(self.data_map.shape, dtype=bool) # # initializing arrays self._edges = sp.ones(0, dtype=str) self._merge_patch_pairs = sp.ones(0, dtype=str) self._create_blocks(cell_mask) # # building face arrays mapper = sp.ravel(sp.array(cell_mask, dtype=int)) mapper[mapper == 1] = sp.arange(sp.count_nonzero(mapper)) mapper = sp.reshape(mapper, (, self.nx)) mapper[~cell_mask] = -sp.iinfo(int).max # boundary_dict = { 'bottom': {'bottom': mapper[0, :][cell_mask[0, :]]}, 'top': {'top': mapper[-1, :][cell_mask[-1, :]]}, 'left': {'left': mapper[:, 0][cell_mask[:, 0]]}, 'right': {'right': mapper[:, -1][cell_mask[:, -1]]}, 'front': {'front': mapper[cell_mask]}, 'back': {'back': mapper[cell_mask]}, 'internal': {'bottom': [], 'top': [], 'left': [], 'right': []} } # # determining cells linked to a masked cell cell_mask = sp.where(~sp.ravel(cell_mask))[0] inds = sp.in1d(self._field._cell_interfaces, cell_mask) inds = sp.reshape(inds, (len(self._field._cell_interfaces), 2)) inds = inds[:, 0].astype(int) + inds[:, 1].astype(int) inds = (inds == 1) links = self._field._cell_interfaces[inds] # # adjusting order so masked cells are all on links[:, 1] swap = sp.in1d(links[:, 0], cell_mask) links[swap] = links[swap, ::-1] # # setting side based on index difference sides = sp.ndarray(len(links), dtype='<U6') sides[sp.where(links[:, 1] == links[:, 0]-self.nx)[0]] = 'bottom' sides[sp.where(links[:, 1] == links[:, 0]+self.nx)[0]] = 'top' sides[sp.where(links[:, 1] == links[:, 0]-1)[0]] = 'left' sides[sp.where(links[:, 1] == links[:, 0]+1)[0]] = 'right' # # adding each block to the internal face dictionary inds = sp.ravel(mapper)[links[:, 0]] for side, block_id in zip(sides, inds): boundary_dict['internal'][side].append(block_id) self.set_boundary_patches(boundary_dict, reset=True)
[docs] def generate_simple_mesh(self): r""" Generates a simple mesh including all cells in the data map """ self._generate_masked_mesh(cell_mask=None)
[docs] def generate_threshold_mesh(self, min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0e9): r""" Generates a mesh excluding all blocks below the min_value arg. Regions that are isolated by the thresholding are also automatically removed. """ # # thresholding the data and then checking for isolated clusters self._field.threshold_data(min_value, max_value, repl=0.0) self._field.copy_data(self) # adj_matrix = self._field.create_adjacency_matrix() cs_num, cs_ids = csgraph.connected_components(csgraph=adj_matrix, directed=False) # only saving the largest cluster cs_num, counts = sp.unique(cs_ids, return_counts=True) cs_num = cs_num[sp.argsort(counts)][-1] self.data_vector[sp.where(cs_ids != cs_num)[0]] = 0.0 self.data_map = sp.reshape(self.data_vector, (, self.nx)) # self._field._data_map = self.data_map # # generating blocks and vertices mask = self.data_map > 0.0 self._generate_masked_mesh(cell_mask=mask)
[docs] def generate_mesh_file(self): r""" Populates keys on itself based on geometry data to output a mesh file """ # # removing any old keys to prevent duplicates keys = list(self.keys()) for key in keys: del self[key] # self['convertToMeters '] = self.mesh_params['convertToMeters'] # # writing vertices oflist = OpenFoamList('vertices\n{}'.format(len(self._vertices))) for val in self._vertices: val = ['{:12.9F}'.format(v) for v in val] oflist.append('(' + ' '.join(val) + ')') self[] = oflist # # writing blocks oflist = OpenFoamList('blocks\n{}'.format(len(self._blocks))) fmt = 'hex ({0}) {numbersOfCells} {cellExpansionRatios}\n' for val in self._blocks: val = ['{:7d}'.format(v) for v in val] val = ' '.join(val) val = fmt.format(val, **self.mesh_params) oflist.append(val) self[] = oflist # # writing edges oflist = OpenFoamList('edges', self._edges) self[] = oflist # # getting unique list of boundary faces defined bounds = [] for key in self.face_labels.keys(): mat = re.match(r'boundary.(\w+)', key) mat = bounds.append( if mat else None # # writing boundaries oflist = OpenFoamList('boundary\n{}'.format(len(bounds))) for side in bounds: ofdict = OpenFoamDict(side) side_faces = self._faces[self.face_labels['boundary.'+side]] ofdict['type'] = self.mesh_params['boundary.'+side+'.type'] fmt = 'faces\n\t\t{}' ofdict['faces'] = OpenFoamList(fmt.format(len(side_faces))) # for val in side_faces: val = ['{:7d}'.format(v) for v in val] ofdict['faces'].append('(' + ' '.join(val) + ')') # oflist.append(ofdict) self[] = oflist # # writing mergePatchPairs oflist = OpenFoamList('mergePatchPairs', self._merge_patch_pairs) self[] = oflist
[docs] def write_foam_file(self, path='.', create_dirs=True, overwrite=False): r""" Writes a full blockMeshDict file based on stored geometry data """ # # if create dirs then appending the required openFOAM directories if create_dirs: path = os.path.join(path, 'constant', 'polyMesh') # try: os.makedirs(path) except FileExistsError: pass fname = os.path.join(path, 'blockMeshDict') # # checking if file exists if not overwrite and os.path.exists(fname): msg = 'Error - there is already a file at '+fname+'.' msg += ' Specify "overwrite=True" to replace it' raise FileExistsError(msg) # # creating content self.generate_mesh_file() # # saving file file_content = str(self) with open(fname, 'w') as block_mesh_file: block_mesh_file.write(file_content) # print('Mesh file saved as: '+fname)
[docs] def write_mesh_file(self, path='.', create_dirs=True, overwrite=False): r""" Passes args off to write_foam_file """ self.write_foam_file(path, create_dirs, overwrite)
[docs] def write_symmetry_plane(self, path='.', create_dirs=True, overwrite=False): r""" Exports the +Y half of the mesh flattening out everything below 0 on the Y axis """ # TODO: consider replacing the bottom face type with symmetryPlane # # storing orginial vertices old_verts = sp.copy(self._vertices) self._vertices[sp.where(self._vertices[:, 1] <= 0.0), 1] = 0.0 # # outputing mesh self.write_foam_file(path=path, create_dirs=create_dirs, overwrite=overwrite) # # restoring original verts self._vertices = sp.copy(old_verts)