Source code for apmapflow.data_processing.histogram_range

Range Histogram
| Calculates a histogram over a defined percentile range for a data map.

| Written By: Matthew Stadelman
| Date Written: 2016/03/07
| Last Modifed: 2016/10/25

import scipy as sp
from .. import calc_percentile
from .histogram import Histogram

[docs]class HistogramRange(Histogram): r""" Performs a histogram where the minimum and maximum bin limits are set by percentiles and all values outside of that range are excluded. The interior values are handled the same as a basic histogram with bin sizes evenly spaced between the min and max percentiles given. kwargs include: num_bins - integer value for the total number of bins range - list with two numeric values to define the minimum and maximum data percentiles. """ def __init__(self, field, **kwargs): super().__init__(field) self.args.update(kwargs) self.output_key = 'hist' self.action = 'histogram_range' @classmethod
[docs] def _add_subparser(cls, subparsers, parent): r""" Adds a specific action based sub-parser to the supplied arg_parser instance. """ parser = subparsers.add_parser(cls.__name__, aliases=['histrng'], parents=[parent], help=cls.__doc__) # parser.add_argument('num_bins', type=int, help='number of bins to utilze in histogram') parser.add_argument('-r', '--range', nargs=2, type=float, default=[1.0, 99.0], help='percentile range to use %(default)s') parser.set_defaults(func=cls)
[docs] def define_bins(self, **kwargs): r""" This defines the bins for a range histogram """ self.data_vector.sort() num_bins = self.args['num_bins'] + 1 min_val = self.args['range'][0] max_val = self.args['range'][1] # min_val = calc_percentile(min_val, self.data_vector, False) max_val = calc_percentile(max_val, self.data_vector, False) # low = list(sp.linspace(min_val, max_val, num_bins))[:-1] high = list(sp.linspace(min_val, max_val, num_bins))[1:] # self.bins = [bin_ for bin_ in zip(low, high)]